21 maio 2023

Eargasm - Did Nature Agree (1996)

País: Noruega

Estilo: Hard Rock

Ano: 1996


Robin Jenssen - vocals

Aasmund Flaten - keyboards

Ronny Svendsen - guitars

Odd R. Haarsaker - bass

Kjell Johansen - drums


01. Madman

02. You

03. Heart of the World

04. DNA (Did Nature Agree)

05. By Dawns Early Light

06. Walk the Path

07. Master of Illusions

08. You Don`t Know

09. Framed by Semplicity

10. Owner of a Lonely Heart [Yes cover]

11. Call of the Wild

12. Reincarnated

13. Recovery When Blind

14. Staring at the Sun 


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